Thank you for choosing Prime Virtual Assistant. We are commitment to doing your work excellently well. Below are our terms and conditions for the service:

The relationship between client and virtual-assistants-on-the-job is strictly official and professional. We please, do not entertain clients’ request for personal contact, phone numbers, house addresses, and personal social media handles of Virtual Assistants.

  1. We are not obligated to respond to clients’ demands for the handing over of Virtual Assistants on the job for full-time work in their respective locations, we do not recruit employees for clients and we are not a recruiting agency.
  2. We take full responsibility for the training of Virtual Assistants; however clients are welcome to provide additional materials, information, that may aid their work process.
  3. We reserve the right to periodically rotate and redeploy virtual-assistants-on-the-job amongst our
    clients at any time with an aim to develop their skillset in more than one area, but with due notice given to such a client,1 month in lieu.
  4. Asides our official email accounts, The WhatsApp workgroup created for client’s work is usually the ONLY channel for updates, feedback, and general communication as regards the work being done.
  5. In the interest of our clients and as part of our quality assurance effort, we usually insist on a
    supervising virtual assistant added to each client’s WhatsApp Work group and copied in work emails.
  6. We understand clients’ may want to further show appreciation for job well done by their virtual-
    assistants-on-the-job by giving bonuses, physical gifts, etc. We welcome this, however, using the
    right channel, which is through our company account, which will then be split and disbursed to the virtual assistant and other assisting personnel in clients work-pipeline, including those working behind-the-scene.
  7. Service fees are subject to change periodically due to other economic factors that may not be within our control. We promise to notify Client within a two weeks window of any such change in service fees.
  8. Discussions regarding service fee payments and/or upgrade, are routed directly to management team via blossom@primevirtualassistant.com or Accounts Team: via orders@primevirtualassistant.com and not with the Virtual Assistant on the Job.

Thank you! We look forward to a great work experience with you.


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